These are the 7 values we work to uphold and strive to make a priority at Cry in the Dark.

Faith & Spiritualty
Cry in the Dark is a God centred and Jesus lead organisation.
As a Christian Charity, everything we do is ultimately for and about Christ, with God at the centre of our actions, upholding and faithfully maintaining a high value of prayer and recognising the vital importance of loving and respectful relationships.
We commit to respect all who work and volunteer for CitD and the communities we seek to serve with honesty, integrity and trust.

We wholeheartedly commit as a charity to our vision and mission. We commit to work together as a team to meet our goals. We commit to the communities and people we serve as well as to each other.
To be a voice for the voiceless and be brave to speak out and act where there is injustice and darkness.
Go, See, take action.

We show love and compassion to everyone we work with through love, care, kindness and empathy.
We listen to each other and together we unite our ideas for the good of the Charity. We create a safe space for people to be open and honest with their thoughts and opinions.

Honesty & integrity
We seek and speak the truth and expect honesty from each other. We will be open and transparent with our supporters in relation to every aspect of the organisation.
Cry in the Dark will work to uphold these values and will be asking all who are involved with working and volunteering to sign a values contract.
If you would like to see a copy of the contract please email