Ukrainian Summer Camp 2025
This year we plan to host 2 weeks of summer camp. Each week a group of 16 Ukrainians made up of children, young people and a few leaders from Ukraine will be hosted at Casa Albert.
We plan to run a packed program of activities for the groups while they are with us and hope to be able to give them a really special experience again.
There are a couple of ways in which you can be involved.
Firstly, you can support the place of one member of the group. We are asking for £150 per person, this will go towards food, resources and experiences. Cry in the Dark will subsidise this, as £150 won’t cover the whole place.
Secondly, would you like to Volunteer to help run the summer camp?
We welcome you to come to Romania for a week or 2.
The cost to volunteer is £500 for 1 week and £750 for two weeks. (This price excludes flights, you would need to book those yourself) It includes all your meals, travel in Romania, facilitation by the CEO and Manager, as well as your accommodation.
If you feel like you can be involved in either way please get in touch today!
Summer volunteering
We are now taking bookings for summer 2025.
Every year we run week long trips for all age groups all through the summer!
If you think you and your friends, youth group, church group or family could give up a week and come and work with us then why not check out our “Summer volunteering page” and get in touch with us today!
If you want to be involved please email Beth.

Christmas Shoebox appeal
August -October 2025
This year we are hoping to be able to provide over 500 personalised Christmas Shoebox gifts for the children and young people we work with in Romania.
If you would like to be involved in making a gift and having a child allocated to you please Contact us today to find out more or sign up.
To read more about our Shoebox appeal please click here.
Christmas Shoebox trip.
In December 2025 we will be welcoming volunteers in Romania to help us distribute the Personalised Christmas shoeboxes.
The trip costs £650 all inclusive.
The dates of the trip will be released in January 2025. If you would like more information on how to get a place on this amazing trip please get in touch with Beth today!