Micro Gap 2016


Being back in Romania is like either being in a dream that you don’t want to wake up from or like you’ve woken up from the dream that was the rest of your life. This combination of the very real and the very surreal is why Romania is a magical place to be.

It would be very easy to tell you about all the work we haven’t done. Between badminton tournaments, taskmaster games, the beach, the new Netflix show: Stranger Things and of course lovely, lovely sleep it’s a wonder we’ve done any work at all.

BUT WE HAVE!!!!!!! Fear not people who have generously donated to Cry in the Dark. The daycare centre has been such a blast. My personal highlight was swinging the happy cuddle monster, formally known as Smiley Alex, back an fro in the hammock. With a light lullaby of “In the Jungle” and the occasional tickle I think we could both do it all day.

Casa Lumina has probably always been my greatest challenge. I have good friends there. Marvellous Maria, Cool Cristina, Cardio Carmen, Lovely Lily and of course the King of the Ladies, Royal Radu. My problem has been that I have never really expanded past this group of people. However, my last trip to Casa Lumina showed me that I can’t just make new relationships in my own strength. I shall have to take out a love loan from God.

Negustorului was just…..well……negustorului. So many lovely kids come to our Tarps of Teaching and we sing, dance and learn about God with them. Of course, we lose them in the middle to the odd horse collapsing or local brawl but they keep on coming back. It’s all made possible by Beth’s careful planning and preparation and the translating of a wonderful man, Adrian Cretu.

Back at Casa Albert we were concreting away as usual and cleaning the pool out so it can be enjoyed by kids, orphans, volunteers and the director of Asociatia Lumina’s dog. God has spared no blessings on the team out here. There are 5 other absolutely wonderful gappers including the wonderful Megan Cooper (no nepotism involved) who has extended her stay to the full 2 months. The York Girls of course, Hannah, Chloe and Katie. One organises, one shovels ballast like a boss and one has become a very good friend to some of the more withdrawn children from daycare but all of them are absolutely lovely. Daniel, Daniel, my little pet spaniel, what a lad. I haven’t found a thing he can’t do yet. Furthermore, we have been joined by Davey, traveler extraordinaire, Abie, on her way to being fluent in Romanian and Sean Cooper, the man Steve never was (you know, tall, funny, cool, etc.). Of course, none of it would be the possible without the bedrock that is Beth and Steve, so grateful for them both.

Jack (returning Gapper)